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I picked a lock this morning,
Unlawful loosed a prisoner, my mind.
No sound alarmed a warning
New freedom felt, a song my rhyming find.

Forbidden thought unprisoned,
Leapt walls, braved boundaries, discovery my prize.
New love new hope envisioned.
Unworn out trails, delighted freedom cries.

-William Malewitz

Untangled nets catch more

To A Smallmouth

Torpedo trim for tail walk thrills,
Line vibrant slice and surface break.
Rod testing sounds to probe our skills.
Primeval urge and instincts slake.

Life pulsing prey to test fight dare.
Pan filling prize your destined fate.
Soul sating food no chain store fare.
Ease challenge taunt and armchairs bait.

- William Malewitz

TV can be the thief of time


The lake stood silent morning still.
Each island watched its image preened its trees.
Each mountain drank in pride its fill,
As clouds probed depths that inhibition frees.

A man soul searched his image found.
Each motive weighted his purpose proved and prayed.
Reflection seek and deeply sound,
New mornings need beginnings unafraid.

- William Malewitz

*Knead to be needed.